
  • JavaScript
  • Version Control(git) - enhance teamwork
  • JavaScript(Vanilla JS) - From syntax to Functional & OOP javascript programming
  • ES6 JS code - Async/await, arrow functions, hoisting, closures, etc
  • Test Driven Development - Mocha & Chai
  • Node JS - create server, file management(read/write)
  • Express JS - create RESTful apps, use templating engine(jade/pug), Write tests for your apps
  • Database(Postgres, MongoDB, MySQL) - Store your data in a database engine
  • GraphQL
  • Python
  • Version Control(git) - enhance teamwork
  • Python - From syntax to OOP Python programming
  • Flask - Build Restful Apps, use flask templating engine
  • Test Driven Development - Pytest, nosetests
  • Database(Postgres) - Store your data in a database engine
  • Django - optional
  • Projects
  • Simple & Scientific Calculator - understand the basics of programming
  • Gallery App - data strutures, templating engine, Good coding conventions
  • Todo App - Perfect your coding skills following Test driven development
  • Weather App - Data management on a database - API
  • Meet up Planner - API, data management, Good coding conventions, TDD
  • Sendit App - An app to send parcels - Final App
  • What Success Looks Like.
  • Create good and workable data solutions to be used by Frontend engineers or customers. Follows the right coding conventions.
  • Work as a Backend Engineer/developer, QA engineer, data engineer & scientist(by taking python to next level), software engineer/developer, Go ahead and be a fullstack developer